plwood fzc

implements a wide range of plywood for any needs.
About Us

We provide A Quality Product For You

Cooperation with us - convenient payment system, delivery from the factory to the customer's door, assistance from qualified employees, flexible prices. The product range is represented by a wide selection of thicknesses and varieties of various types of birch plywood - film faced laminated, film - wired and other types at loyal prices. All products comply with quality standards."


Our Experts Bringing You

we simply want to make what they want.


Feeling Lazy? No worries... We got you! Order at one of our locations, and we will roll up at your place with our product

Qualified employees

Confidence and productivity often work well together. Confident employees not only believe in their abilities to manage tasks.

Flexible prices

Flexible pricing is a strategy that allows business es to change their prices in response to changes in demand or other market conditions

Contact Us

Here You Can make possible Our services

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Phone Numbers

+971 50 6103431